Pride and prejudice-Jane Austen-Джейн Остин-Гордость и предубеждение

Classic literature with lots scenes of manners. How important was the proper behavior for the people from 19th century! The plot is actual but the cover of story too long and full of useless words. After few dozens of pages you  get used to patient and goes through beautiful text with bright desire to find out what will be in the end.

  • Her sister told her that she was perfectly well, and their conversation, which had been continued while Mr and Mrs Gardiner were with their children, was now ended by the approach of the whole party.
Без рубрики, Роман

Одна привычка в неделю. Измени себя за год-Бретт Блюменталь-Brett Blumental-52 small changes: One year to a happier, healthier you

Лучше читать такие мотиваторы, чем никакие. В основном, автор предлагает общеизвестные средства преобразования себя, такие как: вести дневник, ставить цели, слушать музыку, приводящую организм в определенное состояние, хвалить себя итп. Можно прочесть, но из памяти выветрится быстро.
-лучше действовать неправильно, чем не действовать совсем.
-относитесь к трудностям, как к возможности проявить себя.
-цените, что делаете, а не то, чем обладаете.
-методики «модулей времени»
-человеческий мозг на 60% состоит из жира
-окситоцин-гормон доверия


The Enchanted castle-E.Nesbit

Без рубрики, Роман

Fairytale about four children, who discovered the magic world around one castle in the countryside of England. Kids can dream easily and they can imagine many different things. They also can comfortably live surrounding their own illusions.
-I never thought I could go through a garden and dream like that.
-Grown-up people never really like playing.  They do it to please us.
-There were many others pictures, and all showed the best moments in people’s lives.

The Pelican brief-John Grisham

Без рубрики, Роман

Detective story tells about the student-girl, who’s curiosity opened the big secret. A little bit annoying plot because of many people there: lawyers, government, killers, journalists, FBI. You will be waiting for so long before knowing a text of the brief.

  • After fifteen months of law school at Tulane University in New Orleans, her mind refused to rest for more than six hours.
  • The chase is over.

Four weddings and a funeral-Richard Curtis:

Без рубрики, Роман

Quite easy book about the man who always comes late. How he met the girl of all his life and let her go. Typical situation for a mans. Scenes in book describe just key events. Big respect to writer, that he had not left much of describing nature or another things. There is only humans relationships with a bit of humor. Nice one for beginners.